Space Opera Q3: The setting


There are a lot of ideas in the setting. What were your favourites? How many of them would you like to reuse or see reused? Are there other stories to tell in the setting of the Galactic Grand Prix? Will species like the Voorpret or Ursulas appear in your creations?


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    I really liked her imaginative conceptions of aliens. They were brilliant, really! She stretched the envelope all over the place! Now would people like to roleplay them? Not at all. Most people find it difficult to play anything but humans-with-funny-ears. In one of my games, the beta testers found it difficult to play characters where all the character species choices were descended from humans optimized genetically for various climates. So a sapient disease? Not a chance. Even though every alien was just a human under the skin.

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    There were some good aliens- the sapient disease was great, as was the first species to fail the music contest. I'm tempted by a sapient disease featuring somehow in something.

    The universe as a whole didn't do anything for me.

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    @dr_mitch said:
    There were some good aliens- the sapient disease was great, as was the first species to fail the music contest. I'm tempted by a sapient disease featuring somehow in something.

    The universe as a whole didn't do anything for me.

    Same here! Didn't care for the universe as a whole, but some parts were very cool!

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    Like others, I enjoyed the sheer diversity and range of aliens... it was like going back to EE (Doc) Smith with his "life is everywhere, and most of it's pretty weird" motif, except that the weirdness went far far beyond anything Smith might have come up with!

    The rest? It didn't leave much impression on me except that the main planet was all, like, peace and love man.
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