2022 reads


Hi all,
I finally got around to checking in Goodreads what my 2022 reading was like. Turns out I read 80 books compared to 68 in 2021, but only about 1000 more pages, so I was apparently reading shorter books on the whole.

My ratings were my usual mix of mostly 4* with a decent number of 5 and a slightly smaller number of 3. Not a single 2 or 1* in 2022 which is good - basically these would mean I disliked the book so much that I abandoned it without finishing, and can't imagine myself going back to it to try again. Of TTRBC books, almost all were 4 or 5* - of my local book group, a fair number were 3* (the organisers tend to include a number of books which they consider one "ought to read", and often I find these disappointing :) )

The full lot is at https://www.goodreads.com/review/stats/8796846 - top level summary was that it was a good year for reading and by and large I enjoyed the majority of what I read.


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    Great stuff, Richard. I managed 86, setting a new record for me, and also a new record for total number of pages. Now, some of those books were actually audio books, which some people might choose not to count, and some of the audio books were actually lectures, but since GR lets me record them, I do (though they don't get a page count.) So although 86 might sound like a lot, it's more like 50 actual print books.


    Ratings wise, my books almost always break down to about 1:4:4:1 for 5:4:3:2 star categories, and sometimes I have a single one star book, as I did this year. I tend to use the full star system, but it's rare I pick a book I dislike enough to give 1 star.

    My most important metric, which GR doesn't record for me, is whether I managed to put a dent in my too-read shelf by reading more books than I bought. I scored an F again this year, having read 47 print books I never read before (I don't count re-reads), while purchasing 58. I was actually on the cusp of making it just before Christmas, but late in the game I made some used bookstore runs and that spoiled things. I'll try again in 2023 (though I'm already off to a bad start, having bought 16 and read only 1 by the end of the second week of January (oops!)

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    Some interesting stats there @Apocryphal and as expected I see a lot of familiar titles in your list :)

    In terms of book format the vast majority are kindle for me - I think I listened to just five audiobooks last year, mostly in short bursts while doing things like housework. I find I lose the thread of a book all too easily if I'm listening rather than reading. There were a similar number of physical books, these being either geeky ones of a research nature unavailable electronically, or else (towards the end of the year) some SFF titles passed on by my local bookshop to give some feedback - one of these being Eversion, which as you know I rated very highly, but another being my first 1* of 2023...

    I think I'm probably lucky to not have a good second-hand bookshop anywhere nearby! It removes that particular temptation. The nearest is a fairly small one near where my daughter lives - it's the downstairs of a converted terraced house - but when we visit I don't always get the chance to go there so it's a rare treat.

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