Theory of Bastards - Q7: Gaming


Was there anything you felt you might take from this book for your gaming? Anything inspire you?


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    There honestly isn’t much I would draw on, here. The notion of a group of PCs escorting a bigger group of apes to safety in a post apocalyptic world sounds like it would work on paper, but playing all those apes doesn’t appeal much to me as a GM, so I'd pass on that. Would it be more interesting if the players played the apes? That’s probably even more unwieldy.
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    Wilderness travel can be difficult to game, because it's mostly reactive ("situation X appears, can you handle it?") and there's often little player decision-making that goes into it (you either successfully find a good campsite or you don't).

    You could perhaps do some drama-based games about office politics among the researchers at the Institute.

    The revelation that women make choices about mates could be done with a game like Shock: , except that the "shock" isn't that shocking.

    So i agree, there's no a lot to draw on.

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    @Apocryphal said:
    There honestly isn’t much I would draw on, here. The notion of a group of PCs escorting a bigger group of apes to safety in a post apocalyptic world sounds like it would work on paper, but playing all those apes doesn’t appeal much to me as a GM, so I'd pass on that. Would it be more interesting if the players played the apes? That’s probably even more unwieldy.

    I was considering having the players play the bonobos, actually. My players would love it! But then I have those players....

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