Daughter of Redwinter Q3: The Characters
We learn most about Raine, but also several members of clan LacNaithe, and some of the followers of Veretaine / Kaldhoone LacShale. Did they become real and credible to you? Did you believe that you were reading (mostly) about a bunch of late teenagers? Did Raine's development through the book make sense?
It worked thoroughly. Teens absolutely! So powerful and yet so trivial! I think he nailed it.
I thought the characters were well enough developed (though I'm liking Forest Laird in this regard much better, I have to say). Honestly, the 'teens' thing didn't really come across to me that well via Raine, since I thought she was a 20-something.
Oh, I wasn't meaning Raine so much as the others. Raine felt older because of more and harsher experiences, especially because she was emotionally flattened.
I kind of felt most of them were 20s from the writing, and it was an adjustment every time I was reminded that they were in fact teens